Genuine Connections

Rob Parker Profile
Article by Rob Parker
LARC Director

Having been unsupported youth ourselves, my wife and I have a passion for serving these young adults — so we quickly signed on to be the first CA couple at WillowBridge.

Five years ago, God stirred Gateway Woods to begin the LARC initiative to create genuine connections between the community and kids coming out of the residential and foster care programs. In LARC, we strive to connect youth to the relationships and resources they need to become successfully independent. What an encouragement it has been to watch mentors, churches, job partners, and others in the community pour into these young people! But how can our kids continue to build skills and stay connected to the meaningful relationships they have built if they are forced back to old environments, with no safe or consistent place to live?

Enter WillowBridge: Gateway Woods’ new transitional living community. WillowBridge serves young adults who have aged out of the system and whose primary support comes from their connection to Gateway Woods. We have worked hard to create a safe place where young people can learn to work hard, care for their own apartments and learn to manage their lives, all while strengthening their community connections.

I have had the great pleasure of working with some amazing young people who are full of raw potential and unique giftedness. Many of them truly want to experience God as a Father and build a life that has meaning, they just don’t know where to start. WillowBridge is a place where these kids can go to grow in all of the areas that lead to successful independence. We are building on much of the foundation that was laid by the Gateway Woods residential and foster care programs as well as the LARC initiative. At this juncture, they are no longer being supervised, but instead, are receiving guidance and accountability while learning to make decisions and take responsibility for themselves.

WillowBridge has the capacity for four young men and five young women (one of whom may have a child). Much like houseparents, the staff consists of a Community Advocate (CA) couple and a support team (CAS) who provide assistance and coverage for the CA during time off. Both couples have their own apartment at WillowBridge, though only the CA couple live there full-time.

Having been unsupported youth ourselves, my wife and I have a passion for serving these young adults — so we quickly signed on to be the first CA couple at WillowBridge. We now have a solid structure in place, a knowledgeable CAS couple, and some great young people here, the time has come for Sierra and I to hand the reigns over to whoever the LORD has prepared next. I will be stepping back into my leadership role of Director for both LARC and WillowBridge.

This is an opportunity to be a tangible representation of who Christ is and as Theodore Roosevelt once said, "to work hard at work worth doing". If this stokes a fire in your heart, please see the CA job opening we have posted. Thank you to all of our faithful supporters who continue to encourage us as we fulfill the mission God has given us to provide help and healing to troubled children and families who then may bless others.

Rob is currently the LARC Director at Gateway Woods.