His Strength, Our Obedience
February 21, 2024

“In the world, you WILL have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world, ” (John 16:33)"
I hesitate to write this because I am at a loss for how to adequately express what is on my heart. Maybe this will connect with only one person. Or maybe it will merely be a mini counseling and processing session between the Lord and I. Regardless, here goes.
I have worked at Gateway now for just a little over 2 ½ years. (This is honestly a miracle from the Lord. I was just trying to “survive” one year and now here we are- abundantly above all we can ask, think, or want). When people ask what I do and I reply that I work at Gateway Woods, the response most of the time is very similar: “You must be a special person to work there”, “Wow, what a tough job. I could never do anything like that”, or “God will really bless you for doing this work.” Each of these remarks contain truth.
“You must be a special person to work there.” - If we are covered in Christ’s blood, we all are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession,” (1 Peter 2:9). In other words, we all are “special” people, set apart for His glory and kingdom.
“Wow, what a tough job. I could never do anything like that.” - The reality is that working at Gateway can be hard; but living a holy, sacrificial life for Christ is hard. “In the world, you WILL have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world,” (John 16:33). Whether you are raising children, landscaping (shoutout to my wonderful dad), living in a different country, or working in a fast-food restaurant, there will be tribulation. There will be tough times. While working at Gateway, there is tribulation because we are still living under the curse of sin. Until Jesus comes back and makes a new heaven and a new earth, whatever we do while serving the Lord will have its hardships. But we can be encouraged because Jesus has overcome the world.
“God will really bless you for doing this work.” - I have come to learn that God does bless us when we are obedient to Him…MOST importantly with Himself. The greatest joy that we could ever experience is walking intimately with our Father in heaven every single day. The different situations that occur at Gateway often result in my team and I coming to the Lord in prayer to ask for wisdom, discernment, and the Holy Spirit on our campus and in our home. The same could happen in your life too, through whatever joys, mundane, or hardships that occur. You don't have to be a “super” Christian to walk alongside teenagers while they deal with addiction and trauma. You just need to be willing to serve the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. “Do not quench the Spirit,” (1 Thessalonians 5:19)
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