An Unforgettable Summer

Grace Moser Profile
Article by Grace Moser
2023 Volunteer Coordinator

"My experience last summer at Gateway gave me so many experiences and memories that I couldn’t have gotten anywhere else or without the people who served alongside me."

Being at Gateway Woods is one of the most fulfilling experiences you will ever have. God opened many doors for new friendships, opportunities, and experiences during my time at Gateway. As the 2023 Volunteer Coordinator, I had the pleasure of working with each volunteer during the summer. This role allowed me to make new friendships with residents, houseparents, and volunteers. These relationships were something I really enjoyed and kept wanting to nurture even after my summer at Gateway ended. You can learn so much from others around you, often in ways you would never expect. 

I did not know what I was getting myself into when I began my position without prior experience volunteering at Gateway. Despite the unknowns, God led me on the right path, introducing me to so many amazing people and growing me in ways I could not have imagined.  One of my goals as Volunteer Coordinator was to make sure the volunteers had fun during their stay. Whether they were spending the evening with the houseparents and residents or joining in the Young Group activities in the evenings, I always wanted every volunteer to feel inspired to return and serve again. My experience last summer at Gateway gave me so many experiences and memories that I couldn’t have gotten anywhere else or without the people who served alongside me.

If you have never volunteered, Gateway Woods is an amazing place to start. The campus is filled with God-fearing people who will surround you with love and laughter. Whether you have a couple of hours, a couple of days, a week, or even a month, please consider coming to Gateway Woods to volunteer! It is an experience that you will truly never forget, and you will have the opportunity to make friendships that may even last a lifetime!

Grace served as a volunteer coordinator in 2023.