Hybrid Hallelujahs
August 20, 2021
"The total at of the end of the first Hybrid Auction was a record of $827,000, the combination of online and in-person!"
A little boy took the lunch his mom packed and went out to the mountain, excited to listen to a speaker so many were exclaiming about. When the disciples following Jesus realized there were 5,000 hungry men in addition to women and children there was more than a little concern! Upon hearing about the need, the precious child offered up his meager lunch of 5 loaves and 2 fishes from his lunch pail. Jesus blessed the offering and there was more than enough with some to spare.
This could easily be the story of the 2021 Gateway Woods Hybrid Auction. But first, let’s recap:
- 2019 was the Auction as most of us have known it - with great weather, lots of donated items, and you, as generous bidders, made it a wonderful turnout.
- 2020 was not a typical Auction. With COVID-19 concerns, the Auction was moved to an online format – a sad situation for those of us longing for AC fellowship. But again, the Lord blessed the Auction, through you, with a record-breaking year.
- 2021 rolled in and an excited, yet cautious, Auction Committee prayerfully made the decision to have an in-person Auction alongside an online one which became the first Gateway Woods Hybrid Auction.
August 4th-6th, you bid against other supporters online from coast-to-coast to try to snag one of the 224 Online Silent Auction items. As those items closed on Friday night, your excitement was palpable as it was building for the In-Person Auction day ahead.
The morning of Saturday, August 7th, 2021 dawned with peace and beauty as cars started rolling into the field to park. Sausage was frying, the Gateway Choir sang beautifully, inspirational speakers described exciting new happenings on campus, the sights and sounds of friends and family greeting each other with hugs and laughter started ringing.
The only blip on an otherwise perfect day was a thunderstorm that decided to roll through with high winds and lots of hard rain. Attendees willingly took shelter in the houses and gym until the storm passed through, some brave souls standing on guard to save tents, auction items, and equipment from damage. And after a brief 20-minute reprieve, right back to bidding in the tents everyone went! Praise God for His provision of safety!
The total at of the end of the first Hybrid Auction was a record of $827,000, the combination of online and in-person!
Just like the little boy who so willingly shared his lunch, YOUR generosity, the supporters of Gateway Woods, was multiplied over and over that Saturday. What a blessing to witness as the Father meets our needs through you, the body of Christ!
We look forward to seeing you again the first week of August 2022 for another Hybrid Auction!
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