2021 Hybrid Auction
May 20, 2021

To the best of our ability, we will conduct this Auction legally, and safely, for everyone.
Greetings to all of you: brothers and sisters who faithfully serve kids and families through the ministry of Gateway Woods!
Wow! We have been through a year! You know, it was about this time last year that I came to you with the news that there would be no live Auction for 2020. That was hard. It was disappointing. It was painful. But it was the right thing to do. And do it, you did! In spite of all the challenges, Auction 2020 was another record year, and by a lot! For this we really thank you. Your love, prayers and support have been felt greatly throughout these pandemic times.
Now, here we are. One year later and we have another Auction decision to make. We’ve all been patient, and we’ve all had changes, challenges, trials, and disappointments. And you know what? When it comes to this decision, there’s so much to consider. People are in different places and have different health and medical situations. Our Auction Committee has done their best to give careful, prayerful consideration to the matter.
That said, with humility, yet excitement, it is my pleasure to announce, that on Saturday, August 7th, 2021, we will host the 45th annual Gateway Woods Auction, live, under the tents, and on campus, in Leo, Indiana. We will also, simultaneously, operate an online auction similar to last year! We believe this solution allows at least some participation for all, at the level they feel most comfortable.
Now, there are some disclaimers. As things stand right now, we have clearance to do the Auction live and on campus. That said, if conditions change, causing new restrictions, we will re-evaluate all plans. Also, many of you recently took a survey gauging your comfort level with a live auction. You overwhelmingly supported a live auction on campus. Yet, in that survey, many of you also expressed a desire for some additional precautions. We hear you, and we will respond accordingly, but we aren’t yet in a position to detail those precautions. To the best of our ability, we will conduct this Auction legally, and safely, for everyone.
I mentioned earlier that there will be both a live and online Auction running simultaneously. The online auction will have only a portion of the sale items. Whether one is on campus, or off campus, for whatever reason, everyone will be able to participate in the online auction. But… If you want the succulent, smoky grilled pork chop sandwich, a salty & deliciously greasy curly fried potato, or a refreshingly tart and sweet lemon shakeup, for that, you will need to come to campus. There’ll also be about 1,000 additional auction items on campus that you won’t be able to bid on online.
So, to wrap up, thank you. You’ve been a rock of support in a trying time. We love you and we need you. And we sure look forward to seeing you either in person or online on August 7th!
Thank you. May God bless you, and may God bless Gateway Woods.
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