2019 Auction Results

Ed Graf Profile
Article by Ed Graf
Executive Director

"For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease." -Job 14:7

Wow! By Auction day, over 2,000 items were donated by you, many of you giving hours of your precious time, many of you generously spending your hard earned money, all combined to make the absolutely perfect day – topped off by blue skies with a gentle breeze occasionally moving through the tents. One of the highlights of the day is always watching old friends from Sunday School days, young group years, college semesters, and old army buddies seeing each other again and catching up after time apart.

By the end of the day, $637,134.00 was raised, including $58,000.00 from the 224 bikers!

By Saturday evening, campus was quiet and the tents were standing all alone with the sides down…but the stories these tents could tell. Stories of generosity, excitement, laughter, delicious food, friends seeing each other again, and 2 lost little girls looking for their mom, knowing they were safe in the middle of several thousand people, confident that someone would find her. But the best story of all is the story told by the brothers and sisters of the Body of Christ coming together to demonstrate to the lost that we care and love them. Thanks for doing your part to make the 2019 Auction such a success and a glory to the Father! We can’t do it without you!

Ed Graf is currently the Executive Director of Gateway Woods. He has also worked as a Houseparent, Board Member, Child Care Supervisor and Residential Program Director.