Ringgers' Adoption Experience

Emily Fischer Profile
Article by Emily Fischer
Communications Administrative Assistant

The following is an interview with current staff members, Jon and Beth Ringger, who adopted their oldest son, Josiah, prior to coming on staff as houseparents.

Did you adopt domestically or internationally? Why was this your choice?

Internationally. Beth and I have always liked to travel and we have always had a heart for Africa. Ethiopia was the only country in Africa that we were qualified to adopt from.

What has going through the adoption process taught you?

Early on we learned patience. The adoption process can be long and without a lot of hope, but we learned to trust God and lean on each other when we literally felt hopeless. After we brought Josiah home, it has been amazing to see him grow and our hearts expand for him and our other three boys. It is a testament of God’s unconditional love for us.

You have changed a life by adopting - how has adoption changed you?

Life without Josiah? I can’t imagine that. He has been such a blessing to our family and through this adoption we have learned more about God’s heart for adoption.

What is one thing you would tell someone considering adoption?

The gospel is all about God adopting us through His son Jesus. It is our privilege to be able to give back in a small way by adopting a child. That said, it is not for everyone but whether you adopt or support someone else, everyone can take part in the adoption process.

What is one thing you wish you knew going into the adoption process?

Our journey is not over by any means, but it is hard to know exactly what our child will face in the present and the future as they process the hurt and trauma of losing a family and being placed into another family. It truly is a bittersweet process.

Did adopting prepare you for your work at Gateway in any way?

Through our adoption of Josiah we read various books, went to different trainings and our worldview totally changed. This definitely helped us in our role as houseparents at Gateway.

Anything else you want to add…?

Adoption is an amazing thing and everyone should be praying for all of the orphans in the world. Then when you get off your knees you should take action. Whether that is supporting another family financially, fostering or adopting yourself. There is no shortage of opportunities.

The Ringgers were houseparents for three years before Jon transitioned into his current role as Communications Coordinator. Beth is now using her experience and passion for adoption as an Adoption Case Manager. They now have four boys that keep them on their toes. Watch their Adoption video on Vimeo.

Emily is currently the Communications Administrative Assistant for Gateway Woods. She has also worked as the Office Secretary.