To transform campus to prepare Gateway Woods for the future and to better serve the mission by reorienting the entire ministry toward the community while enhancing safety, access, and collaboration.
Thank You for Your Generosity and Support.
Update, expand, and future-proof our primary services building. Create enough office capacity to house all current and future services offered to the community and campus.
Increase collaboration by moving services and business functions back under one roof. Having adequate office space for all business and service employees will create a setting for increased collaboration, creativity, and culture.
Increase safety by creating separation between the residential campus and day-to-day business space. By holding business traffic to the south, we will greatly decrease vehicle traffic on the residential side of campus.
Community Engagement
Drive community engagement by increasing community presence. As we work to build up our local community connections, it will be important that we have a strong and attractive presence.
Ease of Access
Create ease of access for all clients, visitors, and staff members. The main entrance is on the main road, which makes services for community members easier to find. It also creates a building that is easier to access for older people and those with mobility challenges.

As the Board of Directors, we are excited to endorse a step toward the future as Gateway Woods embarks on the creation of “The Commons.” The Commons will equip the ministry for better collaboration and community engagement and allow staff to help youth and families build their lives on a firm foundation in Christ in a safer and more peaceful setting. We are unanimous in our support and invite you to join us in prayer and giving as we seek to make The Commons a reality.
DAVE SCHUMACHER (Board President)


Common Questions
The current building is too small, outdated, and not up to code. Currently, some departments have relocated to other buildings, and staff/community training is held off-site due to a lack of space. This project is more than simply getting a new building. It’s about a campus transformation!
We anticipate breaking ground in the Summer of 2024 and finishing in late 2025.
The cost to renovate the old building and bring it up to current regulations is very substantial, and if we did we would still have an old building. In addition, one of the priorities the new building will achieve is increased safety. This safety comes by creating a separation between the ‘business’ side and residential sides of campus. Limiting traffic around ‘the track’ will drastically improve campus safety for the residents, houseparents, and houseparent children.
While no official decision has been made for the future of the current building, the board has sought input from a couple of architects regarding options for the current building. They have suggested that the best financial decision would be to remove the building to prepare the site for possible future development.
Currently, we have staff to fill about 60-65% of the new building. The remaining will be for future expansion.
The current floor plan has about 20-25% of the space allocated for Administrative staff. Admin includes the Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer, Human Resources, Public Relations, and Fundraising staff.
God has been incredibly faithful, and we have seen a surplus in giving (donations) over our annual expenses for the last few years. The board understands God has called us to be good stewards, and He does not give a surplus without a purpose, so those funds were saved and have been allocated toward this project.
PRAY! First and foremost, we are asking everyone to pray. Please pray for the ministry. Pray that God guides you to His will. Is it to give, share, or volunteer?